Meditation & Yoga

10 Ways At Home Yoga Sequence Can Improve Your Body and Mind

Yoga Sequence is one of the most practiced segment. Yet it is a highly neglected topic. In any yoga class, if you watch your teacher, you will notice that he teaches ‘Yogic Kriyas’ in a particular order. This order is called Sequence. A Yoga when practiced at home in its sequential orders, we call it At Home Yoga Sequence.

A teacher puts out Yoga Sequence after considering so many factors. These factors relate to the environment, his students, and the ultimate goal. At Home Yoga Sequence is different from the In Class Yoga Sequence. Obviously, there is a change of environment and the requirements.

At Home Yoga Sequence, may include a variety of poses. They suit best for the individuals who practice it. They are designed to derive specific benefits to the practitioners.

Watching At Home Yoga Sequence and In Class Yoga Sequence, conclude that there is no singular and fixed sequence which can be validated for all situations. They, in fact, differ from one another and among themselves significantly.

Table of Contents

At Home Yoga Sequence

At Home Yoga Sequence generally, include 5 various components of stopovers which are as follows:-

Warmup Session
Standing Session
Floor Session
Cooling Session
Final Session

Warmup Session

Yoga Warmup Session

We should start preparations beginning of Yoga at home. It includes the selection of proper time for Yoga, Selection of Place for Yoga, Availability, Usage of accessories and Startup of Yogic Kriyas. These components constitute the Warmup Session.

The time chosen for practicing yoga should be always same. It should be preferably during the morning hours just when the Sun starts setting on or in the evening hours when the Sun starts setting down.

A place for practicing yoga should be an open space where lots of fresh air is available. Accessories for Yoga which includes clean Durry, carpets upon which Yoga is performed and also items of clothing which are comfortable enough to wear for practicing the Yogic asanas should be all arranged.

Setting up the Mind with holistic feelings and that you are in synchronization with nature and god is also one of the components of the yogic session. Further, the Warming Session

The Warming Session at home Yoga sequence usually talks about light exercises, which accelerate the flow of blood in the body. Running on spot exercises, push-ups and clapping over etc are generally undertaken in the Warmup Session.

Standing Session

Yoga Standing Session

Standing Session includes various poses which are performed while standing. Yogic standing poses at home Yoga sequence helps to open up the body and balancing it. Various Asanas prescribed and practiced during standing session generally includes Virabhadrasana, Utkatasana, Bakasana and Navasana etc. These asanas work on the stamina of body and slowly helps in building up.

Yogic standing poses at home Yoga sequence helps to open up the body and balancing it. Various Asanas prescribed and practiced during standing session generally includes Virabhadrasana, Utkatasana, Bakasana and Navasana etc. These asanas work on the stamina of body and slowly helps in building up.

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Floor Session

Yoga Floor Session

After the performance of the standing poses, floor asanas are performed. This generally includes asanas like Urdhva Dhanurasana, Matsyandrasana etc. Floor session generally helps in the concentration of energy. It chiefly acts on mind along with the building of body. It helps in slightly relaxing the muscles which have got strained during the standing session.

This generally includes asanas like Urdhva Dhanurasana, Matsyandrasana etc. Floor session generally helps in the concentration of energy. It chiefly acts on mind along with the building of body. It helps in slightly relaxing the muscles which have got strained during the standing session.

Cooling Session

Yoga Cooling Session

Theoretically, it is the final session of At Home Yoga Sequence but practically it is just one step before it. It chiefly cools down the body and mind of performer and helps in achieving the state of equilibrium of mind, breath, and emotions.

Muscles begin to withdraw and gets set to the proper postures. During cooling session generally asanas like Supta Baddha Konasana popularly known as Reclined Cobbler’s Pose and Supta Padangushthasana, popularly known as Reclining Big Toe Pose is performed.

Muscles begin to withdraw and gets set to the proper postures. During cooling session generally asanas like Supta Baddha Konasana popularly known as Reclined Cobbler’s Pose and Supta Padangushthasana, popularly known as Reclining Big Toe Pose is performed.

Final Session

Yoga Savasana

The final session is the termination of all the poses performed At Home of Yoga Sequence. Savasana is performed during this session which takes the body and mind into a deep state of the neutral position. It renews the energy and restores it. Profound peace of mind is achieved during this session.

A detailed description of all the poses of various sessions which should be practiced vary from person to person. It depends upon the body contour, age and health conditions of the practitioner. In this background, therefore, it is highly recommended to consult a Yoga teacher and get the various Asanas evaluated from him and the sequence determined for the daily practice at home.

That’s All. This was all about the Yogic Sequences which could be performed at the comfort of home.

Do let me know if you have some tips or suggestions which help a person in practicing At Home Yoga Sequence in a better way.  Please drop your advice in the comment boxes.

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