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3 Emergency Tips to Normalize Low Blood Pressure Using Home Remedies

Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure
Most familiar symptoms of a person suffering from low blood pressure have been shown in the following picture. These are some of just a few symptoms and are generic in nature.

Treatment Using Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure
Whenever due to some circumstances, if no medical help is available and may be you are at home or office at some odd hours, then following remedial actions can be performed to normalize the blood pressure. If blood pressure measuring instrument is available, You can refer the following chart to understand your condition of low blood pressure. However, you should always understand that it is always recommended to seek the medical help as soon as possible so that proper medical care is provided to avoid any complications. Following are the Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure.

Salty Water
Use of Salt or Sodium Chloride is the single most important remedy to normalize the low blood pressure. In every home salt is readily available. Therefore in case of low blood pressure where the systolic pressure is going down the 90 marks, one can take one teaspoonful of salt mixed in water two to three times at an interval of an hour.
Coffee Drink
Caffeine is a stimulant and said to be instantly elevating the blood pressure of a person. A cup of a strong dose of coffee drink may bring immediate relief to the person suddenly suffering from low blood pressure conditions.
Use of Basil Leaves
Basil leaves or “Tulsi” in Hindi is said to be a queen of herbs and has been practiced in India since the time immemorial to treat various diseases. Basil leaves are an excellent energizer, therefore in case of low blood pressure extracts of basil leaves mixed with honey can be taken to stimulate the body and normalize blood pressure.
The above-discussed Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure can be tried out for an effective control of the condition. However, it is always advised to practice these methods under the expert supervision of medical professionals only.